Day 2: Hope

Posted on June 28, 2010. Filed under: Athletic, Week 1 | Tags: , , , , , , , |

So, it’s been about a week since I was officially Athletic, I’ve been intermittently jogging and trying to eat healthy but I haven’t been very strict by any means. I’m back now. Thanks to all of you for understanding. One thing has changed about this experiment though: I’m going to wake up later. This morning I woke up at 8am because a friend of mine from the military took Noah and I at 9 am on one of his routine workouts from the army days.

I made myself Broccoli and goat cheese Egg Scramble
before the workout which I have to say was amazing. This means a lot coming from me because I usually hate scrambled eggs but the broccoli and cheese really made the dish phenomenal. Seriously, this dish was amazing, too bad it had so much cholesterol in it…though I hear that there are “good” and “bad” cholesterols and eggs have the good stuff.

I found a way to make calorie counting really easy. This website that is completely free lets you enter in your own recipes and tack them onto a food log, it then tells you everything you need to know about how balanced your food was for the day. I suggest you take a look; it’s kind of addictive and makes me more motivated to eat healthy and exercise. Go to and by the way, I totally should be getting paid for this plug in but unfortunately I just sincerely like it.


I liked the workout, we started with stretching, then pushups and jumping jacks, and then we jogged for a while. Just when it seemed I couldn’t go any farther we would stop to do some lunges which for a second felt like a reprieve up until I got to jogging right after. It seemed that whenever the run seemed to be too much we would go to the side and do another exercise which really kept me on my toes and was a good way to distract me from being so incredibly tired. I almost made it all the way to the end, and only started lagging behind right before we finished.



After the run we had to walk for a while which was something I hated and was grateful for at the same time. I think if I had just laid down after the jog I would have vomited so it was good we walked even though I was hating it. After the walk we stretched and we would have done some more workouts but I was too tired. Still, I’m pretty glad to try it and we’ll be doing it again tomorrow.

What? Am I supposed to look happy that I have a case of lobster face?


After the workout I felt really invigorated. I understood that energized feeling of wanting to be active as much as possible, and I felt an extra motivation to do more. For lunch I made Garden Vegetable Quiche
which took about 2 hours to make! It was quite a process, something I’ve never really made before so I was up for the challenge.


After everything was mixed I looked at the direction telling me to put it all in a 3-quart baking dish. I looked in the shelf below the oven and there were only 3 baking dishes, none of which were anywhere near 3 quarts. I started to panic a little and found a giant baking pan that I really didn’t want to use. I finally realized I had no other choice and poured it in and added the toppings. When I opened the oven I remembered that the Noah’s family put all the baking dishes in the oven! There was the coveted 3-quart baking dish sandwiched between 400 degree baking pans. It was too late to de-topping the quiche so I just had to accept defeat.


The quiche was alright by my standards. I didn’t add enough cheese and I think the batter could do with some salt, but Noah and his mom liked it, perhaps I just have high standards.


Later that night I went to the gym for some weight training. I hate weight training! I feel this primitive anger whenever I work out and instead of it empowering me it just makes me feel defeated and stressed out. I don’t like being angry. I’ll keep trying at it because I know it’s something I might get used to but I honestly hate it!


I didn’t nearly meet my 1900 calorie goal for the day though I had a generally balanced day nutritionally speaking (except for being very low on carbs). I’m honestly really surprised about how the eating part is such a challenge, and not a challenge in the way I expected! I’ll have to figure out how to eat more, I think I don’t need to be as strict on my diet as I thought I would.

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Day 27 and 28: Sad

Posted on June 5, 2010. Filed under: New Age, Week 4 | Tags: , , , , |

The past two days have somehow been devoid of any possible New age activities. I’ve got nothing to do but cook or meditate. I decided to read some more Eckhart Tolle to figure things out better. It definitely brought me a lot of solace to read the book. My depression seems to have worsened with the lack of things to do. The days feel as if they are melting together, like there isn’t a distinction between one day or the other.


Reading Eckhart Tolle’s book helped a lot; it talked about tackling feelings of sadness by acknowledging them and not wallowing in them. It made me realize this was a fleeting feeling (hopefully) and that I would somehow push past it, I would eventually feel better.


I decided to spend my time cooking and staying at home instead of going to school events. I spent all day at home and made some raw recipes.

First I made raw “Phad Thai” with tahini. It would have been really tasty if the recipe didn’t ask me to put so much cayenne pepper in it. It was way too spicy! My mom liked it though, I did like how it was so fresh, and that’s my favorite thing about vegetables. I’m not going to put up a recipe I don’t really believe in on my blog, but here’s the
to it if you want to try it out.


Another recipe I tried out was raw chocolate cake. First I had chocolate ganache which required a recipe of its own.

Raw Chocolate Cake (And chocolate ganache) recipe

Honestly, the cake was AMAZING! It was rich, chocolately, and dense. It was way easier to make than normal cake, and I honestly don’t even like typical cake! Everything about this was absolutely delectable, and it was much healthier too! I bet this is the HEALTHIEST CAKE EVER without compromising any of its tastiness! If anyone is willing to refute my claim then please email me the recipe to a better, healthier cake.


This cloud over my head may be temporary, but it is making me realize how debilitating depression has the potential to be. I don’t have much motivation to do anything and I’m beginning to sleep more and more often. I just want to lay in bed all day and stay away from any possible stressors or stimuli. Perhaps that’s what I need right now, perhaps I just need to relax and do nothing. Maybe I’m not being so terrible after all, I’m just following my mental, physical, and spiritual needs. I’ll stick with that so I can try to feel better about myself, in the meantime, sorry for not finishing this month the way it should have been finished!

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